Written Reflections

Getting Guidance: Prepare to Be Surprised
The words below came to me like a message from beyond. After a deep meditation on 2/2/2020, I asked for some guidance about where to focus my attention. This was before these "unusual times" we are now living in. I put my pen to paper and did some automatic...

Multiple Options
Yesterday a box of Frits’ and my new Source LOVE CDs arrived! I was delighted to see our names in print on a tangible product, another form to broadcast Source Love and support people to Align 3 Energy Centers and Expand to the Universe. Why not? I grew up with vinyl,...

Holy Mystery
Is a thought, emotion, physical sensation or outside stimulus bugging you at the moment? Like an irritating mosquito? Is something in the news, at work, in a personal relationship or in your own nature bringing you down? Is a memory reactivating a feeling of sadness...

Time to Launch
Something is stirring in my heart. All plans to do otherwise are fizzling in the heat of this desire. Light is shooting out of my eyes. I cannot contain this energy. I do not know where it will lead, nor do I care. Something is being born now through me, and I cannot...

You Have Been Approved
“You have been approved.” What does that mean, approved? By whom? For what? The email actually read, “Your meditation has been approved,” but it’s easy to take it personally. I had submitted a few guided meditations to the Insight Timer App, and after 90 days a second...

The Kiss of Your Love
Imagine you are standing in this open field, just noticing the beauty and feeling calm and relaxed. Your mind is quiet, your heart is open and suddenly you feel as if a being of Light is standing right there with you. I had this experience when I was on retreat in...

First Post
Every day a new sunrise, seen or unseen, waking me with that bright light of life or hiding behind clouds or fog to let me dance in my dreams a bit longer. Welcome to my Mystic Musings. I have always written journals, letters, poems, articles. I have soaked in the...