I am developing a series of meditations called Creating A New Eden. Do we need to wait for external circumstances to change before we can feel safe, free and living in abundance? Let’s create our own Eden now, a place where we know our direct connection to our Soul and our Source, where we are always guided and supported, where we can create a reality aligned with our deep desires and our divine nature!
Imagine a sacred space, like a garden. It has been set aside and tended to produce beauty, nourishment, and peace. Choose to step into this space where you can quiet your mind, relax your body and open your heart. We can tune out the world around us and deeply experience the presence and support of divine beings here for us as well as our own original essence and divine purpose.
These Creating A New Eden meditations provide an experience to feel this New Eden now. We connect directly with the energy of Source and are held in a field of Love. We can remember that we are made of the divine principles of Love, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. In this state of connection and oneness, we take a last sweep through our subconscious, like clearing out our basement of old emotions and beliefs that no longer serve us. We choose to let go of anything that is not who we really are. We begin to operate from a new brain that has no subconscious. We can meet each new experience aligned, clear, curious and present as our true self.
Each Creating A New Eden meditation explores a different area of our lives. One meditation is focused on feeling Ease and Joy in Your Body. We let go of information held in our cells from injury, imbalance, and trauma. We merge with a new template to activate a new brain and body. One is called Being the Love You Seek. It addresses our relationships with ourselves, other people and divine beings. We no longer need to act from an old story or react from old emotions like fear, anger and sadness. One is focused on Being Who You Really Are. We dissolve old images and identities, tap deeply into our own divine nature, and connect with our larger consciousness at Source. Another is focused on a new spirituality, free from dogma, guilt and dependence. It is called Dancing in the Garden with God. We can feel and express the Love of our Divine Creator in our own unique ways, knowing we are each an extension of our Source.
Each Creating A New Eden meditation is an opportunity for you to feel your own power and to live more fully as YOU. Let’s live the New Eden on Earth now!